Monday, March 15, 2010

Trips and Treats

As I said before, everyone still had to go to school and work while I was visiting, so often during the daytime I would go and hang out with Katie. Ashton really liked being with Christian, I think--and of course I enjoyed actually having a friend to hang out with! A few days we decided we deserved to go out to lunch. Here's when we were at Taco Bell.

Those boys were staring at Katie's food, wondering when we were going to give them some. :)

What a bunch of cutie pies.

Another day we went to McDonald's and got ice cream. Yummy! Katie made the mistake of sitting on the floor while she ate her's, and those babies came flocking towards her!

Ashton didn't want her to eat it all--only feed him. He kept getting mad when she would eat a bite.

They look like little dogs begging for scraps!

Surely I never thought the day would come when Katie and I would be sitting around surrounded by a bunch of babies. Especially Katie--she swore never to have one. If only we had known that one day we'd be boring old ladies, giving all of our ice cream to our children. On second thought, it's probably good we didn't know... :)

1 comment:

Katie said...

haha you are hilarious!!! yeah I'd say its good we didn't know the future!! I might have sabotaged my future, because I do remember vowing to never have children... every time I went to your house and was malled by your brothers and sisters haha!!!