Saturday, March 20, 2010

Spares and Farewells

Before we knew it, our visit to Montana was over. The last thing we did was go to dinner and the bowling alley with the whole family. It was great fun! Unfortunately, this is the only picture I've got of the evening, because as soon as we started to bowl, they turned all the lights out and had disco bowling! It was very cool, but not good for pictures. I was pretty pitiful at it, but Nicholas was the surprise star of the night! He did awesome! Ashton liked it--he loved watching all the colored lights swirling all around him.

Like I said, it was dark. :) Once the fun was over, we went home and got ready for our very early flight back to Salt Lake. It was sad to say goodbye, but we were excited to be back home with Daddy again. Every time I said something like, "We need to get on this plane to go see Daddy...we're going to get our bags and go meet Daddy...there's Daddy driving up to get us..." Ashton would start flailing his arms and shouting, "Dada, Dada, Dada, Dada..." over and over. It was so cute. I think he really missed him.

Ashton did well on the planes too--we had to take two of them. He didn't like me having to hold him the whole time, though. He kept wanting to get down and play. Luckily our layover was in the Seattle airport, where I've been a couple of times, and on our way to our next gate we found the kids' play area. Ashton was so glad we stopped to play for a little while.

He was a little timid at first--you can't tell in the picture, but there were a handful of slightly bigger kids bouncing off the walls in there. But then he discovered his favorite toy.

He stayed there and played with that thing until it was time to leave. He even made a little friend!

I'm glad I have such a sweet boy to travel with. Thanks for the fun in Montana! We can't wait to come back!!!

1 comment:

Katie said...

you had to go all the way to Seattle and then to Salt Lake? That is weird!!!