Saturday, March 6, 2010

A Good 80 Years

At the beginning of March, my Grandpa Fisher turned 80 years old. This is a pretty big accomplishment, so his kids all planned a surprise party for him. They decided to have it here in Utah, since it's where he lives and it's pretty central for all the kids and grandkids to get to. I was so excited to take my fancy new camera and take some nice pictures of everyone, since we don't all get together that much anymore. But of course, I was a dummy-head and left it at home! AUGH!!! I was literally almost crying I was so disappointed that I forgot it. So, all I have are a few cell phone pictures and videos, but I guess that's better than nothing.

The party was held at the clubhouse where my cousin Juline lives. We all got there early to set up the food and decorations, and it was really fun to see everyone again. Our contribution was the birthday cake. Tyler and I ordered two big cakes from Costco, and then my mom and dad picked them up when they came down. That way they didn't have to try and drive 8 hours with them in the car. Smart idea, I say.

After everything was set up we waited for Grandpa to arrive...

He was so surprised! It was hilarious. After everyone settled back down, we ate dinner and talked. Then it was time for the birthday cake.

We all sang "Happy Birthday" and then Grandpa had to try and blow out all 80 of his candles. Yes, that's right, they really put 80 candles on one of the cakes. That would be why it looks like a giant ball of fire.

After dessert, my Grandma came up with this idea to sing happy birthday to everyone in the family. She had everyone get into a group with the people who had their birthdays in the same month. Then January would stand up and everyone would sing to them. Then February would stand up...and so on and so on. Sound like a funny Grandma idea to anyone else? :) She also re-wrote the words to the birthday song, so these are the words we sang instead:

Happy Birthday to you!

We're so glad you came our way!

You've joined our lines and made us strong.

We'll be forever linked together in a chain unbreakable.

So... here's the first attempt to sing the song.

Month after month, we just kept singing the song. After four or five times we were going insane, so you can imagine having to get all the way to twelve! Here is the final time we sang it, with a clever rewrite at the end by my Aunt Kathy. You'll notice Tyler in the back, getting roped in to the craziness. And you'll also notice that even though everyone else is trying to speed it along, Grandma is waving her birthday wand with joy. It's always special for her to have her family all around her.

After a certain time we weren't allowed in Juline's clubhouse anymore, so we had to clean up and move the party to the hotel where Kathy and some others were staying. The lobby had a big room and a big TV, so someone (I think Juline) brought over a Wii and we played the "Just Dance" game. It's so fun! You hold the controls in your hands and do the dance and it somehow senses if you're doing the moves and it gives you points. I want that game so bad now! Here's the first group that went... all of the sisters, except for Marilyn. The one in the front with the furry shirt is Evelyn, and then next to her is Pauline. Since I was at a weird angle, they're the only ones you can see for most of it. But occasionally they will part and you'll see a pinkish shirt behind them--that is Kathy. And then occasionally you'll see a dancing white shirt behind Kathy--that is my Mom! She even got second place on their dance. Way to go!

This is the video Tyler took when I was having a turn. I'm in the front and my sister Lexi is next to me. And the tall guy next to her is my Dad. Yes, that's right, my Dad is dancing to "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun." What a ham. :)

And last, but not least, is the dance that Tyler did. He's the one in front, and next to him is my Uncle Kenny--an even bigger ham than my Dad. Probably the biggest ham I know, which is why we love him. :) Behind Kenny is my cousin Michael, and on the other side of Michael is my Uncle JD. Tyler sure did a great job being stuck in there with my crazy family! He got second place, too! Check out those awesome dancing skills.

Well, unfortunately that's all I've got, but at least it's enough to help remember the good time we had! I hope we get to all see each other again soon. And next time I won't forget the camera!!!

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