Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!! (a.k.a. 9 mos. old pictures)

The day after Ashton turned 9 months old was great for many reasons. For one, it was St. Patrick's Day. Ashton felt very much better, though still a little sick, so he was quite happy (contrary to what the above photo may suggest). The sun came out and warmed everything up. Katie lent me her cool old photo lens--it has a very low aperture so it makes awesome blurry backgrounds. My Mom was home to play with us and help me take lots of fun pictures. And last but not least, Ashton had his "Farmer John" overalls on. He looked so cute and farmy! :) So here are Ashton's 9-month-old, farming fun photos.
My parents have a big, blue tractor with bright yellow wheels--perfect for taking pictures!
The cat decided to come say hello.
And then all the animals joined in!
Ashton sure liked to try to climb on the tractor...
...but not as much as driving it!
Oh gosh, it was SO fun to play with your lens, Katie!
Somebody sure loves his Grandma!
I honestly never thought a baby that came from me could be so beautiful. (And I mean no disrespect to all the other babies out there.) :)
And with the ripping off of the shoe, I knew he'd had enough.
On our way back inside, I wasn't paying attention and got a little surprise when I almost stepped on something. Let's just say this wasn't here when I used to live here...
I almost had a heart attack! Ha ha ha! Happy St. Patty's, everyone!!!

1 comment:

Mindy Curtis said...

He has such sriking blue eyes. Love these pictures!