Sunday, March 14, 2010

Grandma the Cowgirl

For her whole life my Mom has been into horses and riding and rodeos and ranching, and all other cowboy-ish activities. While we were visiting, she had a Team Sorting event, and Dad, Ashton and I were able to go down and catch the end of it. It was pretty cool, and it looks like it would be so hard! I'm impressed that she's so good at it, because I would never in my life even dream of trying it! :)

For those of you like me, who've never heard of Team Sorting before, I'll explain it. There are two little round pens that have a gate in between connecting them (so it looks like a number 8). In one of the pens are ten cows with numbers on their backs 0-9. The announcer person calls out a random number--let's say 7. Two people on horses then have 60 seconds to go in and get as many cows as they can into the other pen, one at a time and in order, starting with #7. Usually one person goes and gets cow #7 and then the other person stands their horse at the gate between the two pens so that they can chase away any cows that aren't #7. Then once cow #7 is safely through to the other side, they switch and the other rider goes and gets #8. Then they get 9, then 0, then 1, and then 2...and so on and so on, until the 60 seconds are up. (Or until a cow sneaks in out of order--then you get disqualified.) Get it? I know, it's complicated!

Anyway, there's your Rodeo 101 lesson for the day. I was so excited to take pictures of Mom in action, but unfortunately they were in a poorly lit, indoor arena. My flash didn't reach far enough, and I couldn't get the camera settings low enough to get more than a few blurry pictures. But here she is: Grandma the Cowgirl!

She got 2nd place that day in the beginner rounds and 6th place in level 3, which is like intermediate. Go Mom!!!

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