Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Winnie the Pooh and Ashton, Too!

Winnie the Pooh has long been a favorite of Ashton's. It had only been a week and a half since Tristan was born, but we heard it was in the dollar theater, and we thought that would be the perfect "date" to take Ashton on. It was the first time he'd ever gone to the movie theater, so it was kind of exciting! We told him we were going to see a show on a very big TV, and he seemed intrigued, but we didn't tell him what show. When we got to the theater, he saw the Pooh poster and was very excited that we were going to watch a "Pooh show."

(Hmm, overwhelmed much? I was in denial about it, but I don't think I was ready to be seen by the public yet...) In the theater, Ashton did a pretty good job waiting patiently for the movie to start. He sat in the chair and talked to us about all of the "Pooh Bear guys" and played with the rock he insisted on bringing in from the parking lot.

When the commercials and previews began, he started to get excited. But then when they showed an animated short before the movie, he thought we'd turned on the wrong show. He would watch for a few minutes and then tell us, "The Pooh show!!!" I think he was worried that we'd changed our minds about a Pooh show, or something. But then the actual movie started and Ashton was in 75 minutes of heaven! We could not get him to sit down, so he stood on his chair the whole time. And he kept shouting everyone's names at the top of his lungs ("Pooh!" "Eeyore!") and laughing hysterically. (Luckily there were several other children doing the same thing, so he wasn't really bothering anyone.)

He was completely absorbed!

And no, we didn't take pictures during the movie. Those last two were during the end credits, so imagine how excited and absorbed he was DURING the show! He was so glad we went, and we were so glad we took him. He talked about Winnie the Pooh and all of the characters the whole way home. And to his surprise, there was one more treat in store:

An ice cream cone! The perfect date for a two-year-old. :)

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