Monday, August 22, 2011


We are so excited to (finally!) say...Tristan is HERE!!! Our newest little baby was born on August 22nd, and we are so happy to have him!

This was a completely different experience than my first baby, partly because I knew what was going on, and also because I was induced, so I didn't have to go into labor on my own. Since I'd known the induction date for a while, I was able to plan ahead a lot. I got the whole house cleaned (deep cleaned...I was hoping it would put me into labor, but no luck), and we planned to have my mom get here a couple of days early, so I felt totally prepared and un-rushed about everything.

The night before, I could hardly contain my energy/nerves/whatever. I'd been wishing and waiting to have the baby for so long, and I was just ridiculously anxious for the phone call from the hospital to tell me when to come in the next day. Finally they called and said that I was the first person on their list for the next morning, so to expect their call at 6:30 or 7am. I thought that was odd for them to call me to tell me that they were going to call me, but oh well. I enjoyed my last night with my "baby" Ashton, and then proceeded to toss and turn the rest of the night until 6:30am came.

The phone rang almost on the dot at 6:30. The nurse said to come right away, so I hung up the phone, "woke" Tyler (who I'm pretty sure was already awake, too), and we quickly showered and left. We live a little ways from the hospital, though, so we didn't make it there until more than an hour later. According to the nurse at the desk, I was the last of the 13 women being induced that morning to get there. They took me back, got me changed, hooked me to the baby monitors, started an IV, and then checked me. I was still at the same 3.5 as I had been for weeks, but the nurse was happy with that. Then just after 8:30 my doctor, Dr. Lamoreaux, came in to check me as well, and he broke my water. A few minutes later the anesthesiologist gave me my epidural, and by 8:45 I was on pitocin and contracting. And completely pain free! With Ashton, my epidural made my whole lower body dead, but I could still feel pain with the strongest contractions and when he was coming out of me. With this epidural, my lower legs and feet were barely numb at all, and I could still sort of move them, AND I didn't have any pain! It was the most glorious epidural I could have imagined! Thank you thank you thank you to the random anesthesiologist!!! Worth. Every. Penny.

For the next hour or so Tyler and I chatted and relaxed. After a while I tried to nap while he read a magazine, but to no avail. Then, just after 10am, the nurse came in and I said, "I think I feel like I could push now." She checked me and said, "Nice work!" because I was already 10 cm and definitely ready to push. We waited a few minutes while she went to find Dr. Lamoreaux, and when he came in he also said, "Nice work, Mom!" When they had me set up to push, the nurse said, "Depending on how long you have to push, yours will be the first baby of the day! I had one mom yesterday who only pushed three times..." I kind of felt like she was challenging me, so when I started pushing I really focused hard. I pushed through two contractions and his head came out! Then one more push and he literally POPPED out (there was actually a loud popping sound). They flopped him on top of me, in all of his purple, gooey, screaming glory, and I was instantly in love with him. Tyler cut the cord and then I made him run for the camera. :)

Tristan Alexander
August 22nd, 10:25am
7 pounds 10 ounces, 20.5 inches long

That's right, folks. Not even two hours from start to finish!!! The nurse kept saying, "That's got to be some kind of record." So I guess it's a very good thing I didn't ever go into labor, or I may not have even made it to the hospital!

Once he was measured, weighed, and sort of wiped down, the nurse yanked my gown open and stuffed him inside. I was a little flustered by the yanking of the gown, but I was quickly distracted by my handsome little baby.

(Side note: Why is it that I actually did my hair, and even some makeup, and I never felt one second of pain, and I only pushed for three contractions, yet I still look horrendous??? I honestly think I look like I got run over by a truck, when I can promise you I felt fantastic. And why is it that other people I know go through hours of excruciating natural child birth and they end up looking like a model in a birthing magazine? Something is not adding up here...)

Then it was Daddy's turn to meet Tristan. Just like with Ashton, Tristan had been crying (see: above picture), but as soon as Tyler had him he was perfectly happy.

I texted our family and friends to let them know Tristan was here, and then we got to sit and hold him and try to nurse him while my epidural was wearing off.

Since Ashton never caught on to the whole nursing thing, I was hoping Tristan would--and he did! He nursed like a pro the very first time, and I was so relieved. Once he'd eaten they bundled him up, and Tyler went with him to have his first bath while the nurses moved me to my room.

Tristan is such an angel, and I honestly had an amazing experience with my second birth. I had a great doctor, great nurses, a great anesthesiologist... it was all so wonderful, and honestly very enjoyable. I'm so grateful for Tristan's quick, painless, and perfect delivery.

1 comment:

Alycia said...

Mara, I don't know what you're talking about I think you look stunning! I love seeing Tyler with his new baby too. We just love Tristan! ;) Miss you!