Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Now that Tristan is around, I think Ashton wants to be a baby again! He is suddenly and for no reason obsessed with the pacifier. In order to keep him from stealing Tristan's, we had to dig his old one out of the diaper bag--which he hasn't even liked or used since he was a few months old! But now he wanders around with it clenched in his teeth. Backwards, yes, but whatever works...

And whenever Tristan has a binki, he has to make sure he has his, too. (Hysterics ensue if we can't find it.)

He also tries to swaddle himself with a blanket and pretend to sleep. His favorite spot to do this is the baby car seat.

Oh brother, what are we gonna do with this crazy kid?

P.S. In other news...we have a belly button! And it only took 8 days. :)

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