Tuesday, August 23, 2011


This was Tristan at 2pm:

This is Tristan at 2am:

I think someone is confused.

Oh well. I'm still in the adrenaline rush of having a baby, so at least for now, I don't mind. The second time around is a lot different than the first. It's not as scary, and it's not as new, but it's just as special. And now it's even familiar. Tristan is so similar to Ashton in a lot of ways, but also very different at the same time.

Their faces look very similar. Same shape, same eyes, same nose and mouth. Though at the same time there is a slight difference that I can't put my finger on (in their nose and lips, I think) that makes them look unique. Ashton was not born with the same round cheeks, because he was more than a pound lighter than Tristan. But after a few weeks, once Ashton gained a pound or two, his cheeks rounded out and they looked just like Tristan's do now. Tristan is not only heavier, but also taller--which I could tell when he stretched out inside of me, before he was even born! And he is a GREAT nurser, unlike Ashton. They both have exactly the same ears, but Ashton's stick out from his head a little and Tristan's don't. Ashton had ridiculously long fingers, but Tristan not so much. And although both of them have long feet, their toes are completely different. Tristan must have Tyler's, because Ashton definitely has mine. Ashton was born with only a little bit of hair, and it was blonde. Tristan has more (though still not tons), and it's much darker and longer. He also has a weird cowlick in the front-middle of his forehead that Ashton definitely does not have. I'm interested to see what that will do to his hair when he gets older. Tristan is very alert when he is awake, as was Ashton. However, it's already obvious to me that he is not colicky like Ashton was. (Thank goodness!!!)

Maybe some people will disagree with my assessment, but oh well. It's still what I think. :)

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