Friday, August 5, 2011

The Guys

Ashton got a Sesame Street felt board for his birthday. It has a bunch of different characters, and he calls them his "guys." Whenever we go anywhere, even if it's just upstairs, he hurries to bring them. ("My guys come, too!") He is OBSESSED, with a capital everything! All he can talk about is Sesame Street and any time I look over at him, he is playing Sesame Street.

He is just so happy to be with his guys.

He often talks to them...

...and he screams in their faces (mostly screaming their names at them)...

...and kisses them...

...and organizes and counts them...

...and tells you who they are (over and over and over)...

...and of course he dances with them!

My favorite thing is that there are two random muppet guys. One is a mailman monster, and one is a monster with a basketball. When Ashton asked me who they were I didn't know, so he just started calling them Bo and Bear. I think it's hilarious, and I have no idea where it came from!

We're so glad Grandma Becky thought to get the guys for him. They are definitely a big hit!

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