Sunday, December 27, 2009

On the 8th day of Christmas: Ashton and Christian


and Christian!

My friend Katie had a little boy, Christian, just a couple of months before me. They've met once before, but they were both so little that they didn't really interact much. Now that they're older, though, they really interacted. It was fun to watch them play and talk and make faces at each other. I'm sure as they grow up they'll be great friends...even if Katie and I have to force them! :)
This was the first time we got them together. Checking each other out.
Aww. Friends.
This was the second time we got them together. I don't know if Christian was too sure about it...
Christian kept making funny faces at Ashton. I don't think Ashton really knew what to make of it.
And now, Katie and Mara proudly present:
Ashton and Christian
A Bro-mance
Christian: Aw, mom, do I really have to play with this guy? Ashton: Hey...
Ashton: Come here, dude. Hug it out.
Christian: Hey, that was really nice, man.
Ashton: Well, I just wanna be your friend.
Christian: I never noticed before, but your eyes are so beautiful...
Christian: Wait a minute. What just happened? Ashton: Uh, dude...I think we just swapped spit.
Christian: Eww, nasty! Get it off me, get it off!!!
Christian: Ugh. I feel so ashamed. Ashton: It's okay man, I won't tell anyone.


Katie said...

ok that was HILARIOUS!!!!! I was wondering a good way to post that!!! I will refer everyone to your blog now!!!!!! hahahahahaha

Raree (RAH-ree) said...

LOL! That is way funny . . . and cute. :)