Monday, December 21, 2009

On the 2nd day of Christmas: Joshy!

One of the things we were excited about for Christmas was getting to see my brother Philip, his wife Brandi, and their 3-year-old son Joshua. Ashton had never met his cousin Josh, so we were wondering how they would hit it off. Turns out they love each other!

One funny thing was that Ashton had a little cold while we were there. Well, that's not the funny part--that's sad. The funny part is that Joshua found some doctor toys, and he kept coming to check out Ashton, saying, "He sick." It was adorable!

It wasn't long, though, before he figured out that Ashton's not all that fun to play with yet, and he was off. Josh had a fun time having so many people to play with. He loves horses (just like Grandma) so he was always trying to ride Patrick like a horse.

Even Sarah joined in!

He also loved playing with Uncle Tyler, climbing all over him until Tyler was exhausted.

Josh's favorite of all was Nicholas, because he's still a fun kid that plays with toys, unlike the rest of us boring grown-ups. He followed Nicholas everywhere and tried to do everything he did. Once Nicholas plopped down and started walking on his knees like a weirdo, and Joshy started doing the same thing.

Josh and I got along pretty well too, because we both love Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and we both love to sneak into Grandpa's secret stash and eat them! He calls them "Reese cups," and he ends up with chocolate all over his mouth every time.

What a little ham! I think he likes posing for the camera.

He even popped himself in a picture I was taking of Sarah. I didn't even noticed until I looked back at it!

Poor kid, I'm afraid we all wore him out.

He's so fun, I wish they lived closer. We loved seeing him and his parents, and we can't wait until we can see them again!

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