Sunday, December 20, 2009

On the 1st day of Christmas: Aunts, Uncles, and Grandparents, Oh my!

Our Christmas vacation was such a blast! We loved being able to go to Montana to see the Fulbright half of the family, and to just be able to relax and stay for so long. Our drive up on the 19th was actually quite nice, and as soon as we arrived we felt right at home. The best part about it was that Ashton had so many people who wanted to hold him and play with him and love on him. Tyler and I hardly even saw the poor kid the whole time we were there! I didn't get pictures of him with everyone, which I'm sad about, but here are some that I did catch.
Here he is, lounging about with Aunt Sarah.
She likes kissing him a little too much...
Ashton liked playing with (and sleeping on) Uncle Patrick.
And on Aunt Lexi.

And enjoying the outdoors with Aunt Brandi, Uncle Philip, and his cousin Joshua.
And of course, his favorite.....Grandma!

And I must also note that his other favorite is Grandpa, but for some reason there is a lack of pictures of the two of them together... And if you're wondering why there aren't any with Uncle Nicholas, let me tell you. Nicholas declared that he does not like babies. This trip, he finally decided he liked Joshua, because he's old enough to talk and play and shoot nerf guns. But Nicholas told me he will not like Ashton until he is about 3 years old. So oh well! :)

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