Wednesday, December 23, 2009

On the 4th day of Christmas: Horses

If anyone knows my mother, they will know that she loves horses and also has several of them. Every time we come to Montana, Tyler keeps saying he would like to ride one, yet we never seem to stay long enough to get around to it. This time, however, we did! And when I say "we" I really mean Tyler. I'm still on bad terms with the majority of the animal kingdom, so I took photographs from a safe distance on the ground. But Tyler sure seemed to enjoy his first ride ever!
While they were getting the horses ready, we brought Ashton up close for the first time. I'll admit, I was a bit freaking out but he seemed very intrigued.
His first horsey pat! Deciding to pull the horsey's mane...not such a good idea.
It wasn't long, though, before he lost interest.
It was decided that Tyler would ride Charlie. I approved this decision, because of all the horses he is the nicest and the slowest. He's the only one I'll ride on the rare occasion that I have the desire. Here's my mom teaching him everything to do.
Josh was not happy that Tyler was riding Charlie. My mom already told him that he could ride Charlie with his mommy, and he's no dummy. He saw Tyler taking a turn first and started having a fit. "No, das my horse!" It was pretty cute.
Getting on is the hardest part with Charlie. He's so tall you need a little boost just to get your foot in the sturrup!
We kept trying to get Ashton to watch Daddy ride the horse. He was not amused.
For the sake of my nerves, my mom agreed to walk beside him at first. I didn't want to have to witness my husband's death by horse first-hand!
But I had nothing to worry about. He's a natural.
Josh still freaking out. "Das MY horse!!!!!"
Flying solo. What a handsome cowboy!

1 comment:

Alycia said...

So fun! I want to go ride horses at your parents house someday! I'm sure Tyler appreciated the butt shot. ;) Maybe next time he and Ashton could ride together don't you think. ;) Beautiful job with the pictures, you're lucky you had a good reason not to ride. ;)