Thursday, February 4, 2010

These are a few of my favorite things

Ashton's most recent favorite toys (in no particular order):
The arch that connects to his bouncy seat--it has a little mirror on it that has a red elephant on the back. Ashton loves it and will play with it all day long. (Also pictured are Elmo and Lambert the Lion. While he loves them, too, they are not quite as favorite as the arch.)
He also loves the toothbrush--even though he has no teeth to brush.
Magazines have become another favorite. He likes to rip all the pages out until he's covered in them, and then crawl all over the pile and rip the pages into even smaller pieces. This is bad not only because it makes a mess, but also because he thinks he can do it to anything with pages...he doesn't know the difference between a book we want to keep and a magazine that we're going to throw away.
And he loves to try to get the camera.
Gotta love those little blue eyes. :)

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