Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Eight Months Old!!!

I don't know how, but another month has gone by. It's insane, but it's true. Now Ashton is eight months old! This past month has been the biggest in motor skills yet. He started the month only able to roll, and now he can do everything except actually walk on his own. How do babies just learn stuff, and how do they do it so fast? Well, however they do it, it's incredible. Of course I took pictures--if you didn't expect that by now, then you must not really read this blog. :) So here are the eight month old shots of Ashton!
I just love his little feet!
As, I mentioned before, Tyler gave me a very cool book about Photoshop for Valentine's Day, so I decided to try some of the tricks it had on a few of these pictures. Here's how they turned out:
Happy eight months, buddy!

1 comment:

Nick and Val said...

Hi Mara! Ashton is so cute! I LOVE the pictures. I can't believe he is 8 months old already. Miss you!