Monday, February 15, 2010

Tyler's Trip

A week or two ago, Tyler had to go on a business trip. Even though we were a little bit sad, it was an exciting thing for Tyler. It was the first time his work has sent him somewhere! Very cool. He got to go to Pittsburg, Pennsylvania to work out some things with a company that's helping them write their new software. His whole first day was spent traveling, and then he spent two days working and seeing things in Pittsburg before he came home again.
This is the cool yellow bridge he drove on several times.
And these are some of the big buildings downtown.
This was Tyler's favorite, because it looks like a glass castle.
And here are some of the buildings at night.
Luckily for Tyler, there was a Broadway play on tour in Pittsburg, so he didn't have to sit in his hotel bored after work. It was called In the Heights, and it was the Best Musical Tony Award winner just a year or two ago. He said it was great, and the theatre wasn't even far from the hotel!
These are the beautiful chandeliers that were in the lobby.
And here's the stage!
So what did we do while we were at home without Daddy? Went insane with lonliness and boredom!!! But then we finally realized, why are we bored and lonely when we could go to Grandma's house? So we did, and then we had someone to play with and talk to. Ashton wanted to talk (meaning eat) on the cell phone with Grandma.
He also had fun trying to get Grandpa's glasses.
And riding on Grandpa's horsey knees.
So they helped us pass the time until Daddy got home...even when his flight was delayed until 1am--ugh!!! We're very glad he's home with us again.

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