Friday, February 26, 2010


If I've said it before, I'll say it again: I love my new camera!!! Ever since Ashton was 4 months old, he's been losing his baby fuzz and growing actual hair on the top of his head. After he takes a bath and I put his lotion on him, it sticks up so crazy and spikey, and I tried for SO long to take a picture of it. Alas, the old little camera did no good with small details. But it's no sweat for my new one! Woohoo! So without further ado, I give you Ashton's cute spikeyness.
I love it!


Mindy Curtis said...

He's getting so big! So glad to see you and your family are doing well. I'm excited now to add your blog to my page so I can keep up with how things are going. :)

I'm Amy. Or Melynne. Whatever. said...

What kind of camera did you get? We are looking to get a new one and need ideas!