Thursday, February 25, 2010

Jazzercise Time!

Before Ashton was born, Tyler and I bought him a little shirt that had a frog on it, and it says "Prince Charming." It's so cute, so I was excited when he was finally big enough to wear it for the first time. I just put it on him one lazy morning with some sweatpants and that was when I realized--this has got to be the most "flaming" thing I have ever put on my son. Seriously, it's like something Richard Simmons would wear in Sweating to the Oldies. (Although, let's face it, Richard Simmons wouldn't wear the undershirt, and they wouldn't be pants--they'd be itty bitty bootie shorts. Ugh...) So, on that note, I now present:

Jazzercize with Ashton

Welcome to Jazzercise! All you need is a weight and a cute face. Let's go!

Now lift the weight and shake! Good job!

And, double time! Just keep shaking! You can do it!

Now do the same thing on your back! Ready, GO!

Power section! Leg lifts--one, two, three, four!

And now for the cool-down. Feel that stretch! You made it through!
Oh boy, I'm tired...

The End


Nick and Val said...

that's so funny!

Raree (RAH-ree) said...

AWESOME! He should do a workout video! haha

Poisoness said...

Love it Mara! =)