Monday, January 25, 2010

Army Crawl

Just after Ashton turned seven months old, he started getting up on his hands and knees and rocking like he was going to crawl. I kept dangling toys for him, hoping to entice him to do it. The funny thing is that instead of crawling, he would get on his hands and knees and then dive forward on his stomache, then get up and dive again. It was so funny. Here's a little video of it:

A few days later, he figured out the army crawl, just scooting around on his stomache. He even discovered that he could go from laying down to sitting up all by himself!

After he figured all of that out, he started getting very daring. He would go really fast, like some kind of crazy bug scurrying across the floor. It's so funny, though, because he still wouldn't get on his hands and knees, and his head kept weighing him down. It's like it was still too heavy for him to hold up!

Ha ha ha! He'll get it sooner or later. :)

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