Saturday, January 9, 2010

Almost a word...

Just after Christmas, while we were still in Montana, Ashton suddenly started repeating a few syllables, all in a row. He's always made sounds and babbled to himself, but now it's like he realized, "I can make an M sound whenever I want to," and so he does it more on purpose. Here's a little video of my favorite sound he makes. :)

Now, a month after this video, he says "Mama," "Dada," and "Baba" (for "bottle") all the time, and definitely on purpose. I don't know if he's really connecting what they mean yet, but I'm hoping he will soon. I wanted his first word to be "Mama," of course, but I think "Baba" might win out. A few times now, when I ask him if he wants his baba, he reaches for the bottle and says, "Baba!" So I guess we'll have to wait and see on that one!

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