Sunday, January 3, 2010

On the 12th day of Christmas: Going Home

Sadly enough, our time in Montana ended and it was time to come home and get back to work, routines, and life. We were all very sad to go, because it had been such a fun and relaxing vacation. But I think Ashton was the most sad of all. He loved having so many people to play with and pay attention to him. (I think he gets tired of seeing just me all day long.) When we drove on the way up he was perfectly happy to sit in his carseat and sleep or play or drink his bottle. But on the way back home he was not okay with any of this. He did pretty well for the first couple of hours...maybe he thought we were just going to the store and coming back. But after that time was up, he must have realized that we were making the long trip back home, because he was very vocal about the fact that he wanted out of the car now. Poor kid. The only time he was happy was when we stopped to eat.

He especially liked the changing tables, because then he could flail around and kick his legs.

I'm sure in his mind he was wishing he could kick us out and take the car back to Montana...
That's it, I'M driving now!
Now how do I get back to Grandma's house from here?
Well, no officer, I don't exactly have a driver's license...
Ha ha. Well, that concludes my catching-up-from-Christmas posts. We're glad to be home, but still missing the family. Thanks for the wonderful Christmas vacation! We can't wait to see you again!!!

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