Friday, January 1, 2010

On the 11th day of Christmas: Miscellaneous

When we arrived I specifically told my family that Ashton had not started eating foods yet, so please don't feed him anything. A few days before we went home, Sarah showed me the following picture from her phone. Pretty funny how he "accidentally" started sucking on this pear... My favorite part is his guilty face. It looks like he's thinking "My mommy's gonna get you for this..."

One thing Tyler and I have never done is play Guitar Hero. We aren't very talented in the video game area (although we did get a Wii for Christmas!), so we don't play them very much. But Patrick and Lexi showed us how, and it was really fun!!! Here's Tyler rocking out.

And here's me, trying my best. (The bathrobe look is because we were in the basement and it was FREEZING! Don't mock me, I was staying warm!)

And here's Ashton, watching us rock it hard. So proud.

Check out Tyler's awesome rock n' roll moves... :)

These pictures are for no particular reason. I just like them.

My mom had a cool homemaking activity in her ward where they made these cute photo boxes. (Why doesn't my ward make cute crafts?) I just took pictures of them because I was experimenting with zooming in, and because I like the bright colors.

Nicholas asked for some army men this year. The little green plastic type. He got them from Philip and Brandi, and it wasn't long before they were all over the house. The funniest place I found them was on my mom's little gold plates/liahona compass display. They looked like they were staked out, ready to fight to the death. It was awesome.

The best part is the sniper post at the top. Only Nicholas...

On our last day at home, New Years Day in fact, my dad took a bunch of us skiing. It was so much fun! Tyler and I hadn't gone in a while, so we had a little catch-up lesson when we got there and then hit the slopes all afternoon!
It was really cold, but we could barely tell until we stopped moving. And at the end of the day, we were all so exhausted that we were passed out in the car the whole way home. (Backseat: Lexi leaning on me leaning on Tyler. Middle seat: Sarah and her friend Tanner, who not only came along for the fun, but also loaned us some much-needed snow gear.)

And let's not forget Patrick in the front seat.

Good times. I can't wait until we can do it all again!

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