Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day!

My first Mother's Day as an actual mother. It was very nice, even if Ashton had no idea that he was supposed to be celebrating me. We went to church in the morning, and I recieved a beautiful pink rose.

Then it was off to Grandma and Grandpa Hinton's house so that we could talk to Royce for the last time from Argentina. It was good to hear from him, and we were happy to think that the next time we talked to him would be in person.

After our turn on the phone was over, we went and played outside on the porch.

Becky's mom and sister came over to say hello. I feel kinda bad, because this isn't a very good picture of anyone invovled. Oops. I love that Grandma Hall is sticking her tongue out, though.

Here's Grandma Hall, rocking the sunglasses.

Ashton got to really play on the grass for the first time, too. We didn't have too much of a yard in our townhome, and it hadn't really gotten warm enough until May. He loved it!

Tyler took a picture of Ashton and me together. I don't get enough of these, since I'm always the one behind the camera.

Tyler took this picture, too. I say he did a very nice job!

Father and son. Aww... :)

What a handsome boy we have.

Ashton tasted his first flower.

Apparently he didn't like it so much.

Tyler liked them better, I think. :)

Carlton was kind enough to take a few pictures of all three of us together.

Ashton and Grandpa. I have no idea what they're both saying in this picture, but it's pretty funny. :)

After everyone got to talk to Royce, we all went back to Grandma Becky's house for some yummy dinner and presents. We gave her a little mp3 player so that she has something to listen to at work. I loaded the whole thing with hours and hours of great country music. (What more could you ever want?) Ashton enjoyed helping her open everything.

He also enjoyed making a mess of all the tinker toys. And of course he brought Buddy Love along for it all. :)

Becky gave me a giant cookie for Mother's Day. Yum!

I also got some presents from Tyler and Ashton. I got a CD of Laura Bell Bundy (good stuff!), and tickets to see Melissa Peterman at a comedy club in Ogden, AND a special surprise. All I know is that it's something that's happening within a 100 mile radius of our home in September, and I get a new clue to it and two puzzle pieces every Sunday. If the clues don't help me guess it, then when I get the last two puzzle pieces I can put it together and figure it out. It's so hard! I still have no idea! I'll post the clues up later so that you can try to guess what it is, too.

The only sad thing about today? I didn't get to be with my own mommy. But we did call her and we sent her a video.

Happy Mother's Day, Mom! I love you and miss you! And I appreciate so much more all the things you had to do as my mother now that I am one. (Like you say...double secret payback!)

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