Monday, May 17, 2010

11 Months Old!!!

Eleven months old already! Almost to one year, but not quite! Enjoy the pictures I tried to take...the toys were a major distraction. *sigh* But he wouldn't sit still without them, so what was I supposed to do???

I get this look all the time when I catch him doing something he's not supposed to--like chewing on his shoes...

Too bad he saved all the best smiles for when we went back inside. I forgot my exposure was still set too low. Grr! So all the pictures turned out kind of yucky.

All except this one, that is. :)

Only one more month until the big day!!!

1 comment:

Raree (RAH-ree) said...

He really does have incredible eyes. It'll make the girls' swoon someday. haha Crazy to think about when they're so little isn't it?