Friday, April 9, 2010

Brian and Serena

One special Friday, Tyler stayed home from work and we all drove up to Logan to see Tyler's cousin, Brian, get married. It was fun--except the driving part! I've only been to Logan once, very briefly. This time we got to eat lunch at an old-school A&W, drive to see the townhome Tyler was a baby in, and go to the cheese factory to get some squeaky cheese curds. Then we went up to the Logan Temple to see Brian and Serena's sealing.

As you can see, it was a gorgeous spring day. Tyler's other cousin, Sarah, watched Ashton, so we both got to go inside, and I'd never been in the Logan Temple. It was very beautiful. When we came back out, it was picture time, but Ashton decided to sleep through it.

After pictures, both families went to an old church/meetinghouse/something that is now a pretty little reception hall and bed-and-breakfast, where we had a fancy family dinner to celebrate.

No, Becky is not feeding him the chocolate cake...but looks like he wants her to! What a fun way to spend a day off! Congratulations Brian and Serena!!! (I wish I had a picture of her pretty dress...)

1 comment:

Raree (RAH-ree) said...

That's where I was married! And my in-laws, and my granparents. It is a lovely temple. You got a great picture of it! Fun - I love attending sealings. Brings back memories. :)