Monday, April 26, 2010

Anniversary, Part 2 - The Zoo

So, like I mentioned in the last post, everyone took the day off, and we all went to the zoo! I know Ashton probably didn't grasp the whole concept of the zoo, but he sure loved to be outside in the stroller for so long! And of course, we had to bring along his very important monkey friend, Buddy. How appropriate.

Carter enjoyed his stroller as well.

Preston preferred to walk.

The first place we headed off to was the primate building, where we saw all kinds of monkeys!

Then there were the llamas, antelope, and camel.

And a beautiful peacock.

And a big gorilla!

I wonder if Ashton realized it was the real-life version of Buddy.

Preston thought it was neat that he was almost as big as a mommy gorilla.

Trying to see the gorillas playing in their tree house.

We teased Bryant that this was his gorilla sat there the whole time with a blanket on his head! :)

On our way to see the elephants.

There was a mommy elephant and a cute little baby!

Ashton, having fun!

And then there were a couple of sunbathing rinos.

Alycia, probably getting a much nicer picture, while Preston climbed up to "see better." :)

He was very excited when we found a rinosaurus he could actually ride on with Grandma!

We had to be careful...anywhere there was a bench, Grandpa would stop and fall asleep!

On to see the birds! Preston loved the penguins.

They even had Pumba and Timone!

After a while, the boys decided it was time for a snack.

But Preston didn't want to stop. He was having too much fun!

Here's Uncle Tyler, helping Preston see the giraffes.

Preston checking on Ashton...

...who decided it was time for a nap!

Here's the whole crew (minus me, of course). I have since read about how direct sunlight can sometimes make auto-focusing not really work...wish I had known that before! :(

Preston, trying to find those lazy, sleeping tigers in their hut.

What was my favorite animal of the day? Definitely the sloth that was hanging on a tree right above our heads! I could have jumped up and almost touched it! Very cool looking animal.

My first experiments with sunflair...not too great, but still cool to me!

Turtles, turtles, and more turtles! I loved the one that was swimming around.

And what is this strange animal? Looks like some kind of cross between a rabbit and a mini kangaroo...

It's a...

Hahaha, I found that most excellent. :)

On to the reptiles!

Fathers and sons.

Other miscellaneous animals.

Sharing a laugh with Daddy.

What a fun day it was!

1 comment:

Mindy Curtis said...

Yay! I love the zoo! Looks like you guys had a great time. :)