Sunday, April 3, 2011

Singing and Dancing

We sing lots of songs and dance around a lot in this family, so it's no surprise that Ashton loves to join in. He has been making up his own babbling songs for a while now (like the "Big Blue Basketball" song), but recently we've started to teach him real songs. With the real songs, he mostly just does the actions or dances around and throws in the occasional word. But its very cute and fun, so I preserved some of my favorites on video. Here is Ashton doing the actions to "I'm So Glad When Daddy Comes Home." (Or as he calls it, the "Daddy Song.") He is doing them all from memory--I'm not prompting him at all.

And here is Ashton helping me sing "Jesus Wants Me For a Sunbeam," aka the "Sunbeam Song."

This last one won't be familiar to many people, but I'm posting it all the same. I have a playlist on the computer and we listen to it sometimes when we're upstairs. One of the songs is from the musical The Color Purple, and one day--out of nowhere--Ashton just started singing the whole thing, almost word for word. I was so surprised! He still does it every single time, and it is adorable! Unfortunately, he gets camera shy (or maybe just camera distracted), so when I recorded this, he was just staring at the camera instead of singing the song. Usually I don't have to tell him to say anything, he just does it, so I'm a little disappointed that I couldn't get a better video. But oh well. At least it's enough to help me remember it when I'm old. :)

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