Friday, April 22, 2011


Ashton has now come to the age where he asks for "shows." He still has a pretty short attention span, though, so we just started out with little segments of Winnie the Pooh. He loves it! He is always asking, "Watch a Pooh show!" As soon as it comes on he starts dancing and shouting out everyone he sees. It is quite cute.

He also knows who Elmo is, so when we're upstairs at the computer I turn on some little videos from Sesame Street's website. He especially loves Elmo's Song, and no matter how many I let him watch, he always wants to end with the "Elmo show."

Hmm, I have a feeling I'm going to get really sick of these shows...

Funny side note: Ashton calls all of the videos I make of him "Ashton shows." So whenever he sees the blog he asks to watch the Ashton show--I love it!

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