Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Baby Hinton 2.0 is a...

...BOY!!! Yes, yes another boy! We weren't surprised at all, because what else would a Hinton be, but we were very happy to know for sure. The whole family came to the ultrasound--Tyler, Ashton, and I. Ashton was not too happy about the doctor poking around my belly, but he did stop crying long enough to watch the "baby show" on the big TV. We have the whole ultrasound on a DVD, but it was incredibly difficult for me to get any still images from it (for lots of reasons I won't go in to). So, even though they aren't very good images, these are all you get:

This is the baby's head and back. The spine is running across the top, with the head on the right, and the baby is facing down.

This is when the doctor was trying to get a good shot of the top of his head and the baby looked up. So (if you're good at figuring out ultrasounds) you can sort of make out the eyes, nose, and mouth on the right. The small little ball to the right of the face is a fist.

Hooray for us! Two boys! Now Ashton will have a little brother, and we won't have to buy a whole different wardrobe of baby clothes. And best of all, it's already been proven that we make very cute, smart, and sweet baby boys. Yay, yay, yay! Now if only we could choose a name...

1 comment:

Mindy Curtis said...

You are pregnant again!?!? Congrats! I love seeing your pics. Keep 'em comin'!