Saturday, July 24, 2010

Adventures in Babysitting

While we were in Vegas, Tyler's sister and her husband went to Hawaii. So Grandma and Grandpa were actually pulling double (well, triple) duty, since they had to not only babysit Ashton, but also Preston and Carter! By the time we got back from Vegas we could tell they might like a little break...nothing like 15 years without a baby in the house to make you forget how tired they can make you! So, on Saturday night Tyler and I watched the three boys while Carlton and Becky went to dinner, just the two of them. While they were gone we had two adventures worth noting.

Adventure #1: the wall. I was helping Preston write in a little activity book, when Ashton ran out of sight. Since Tyler was chasing Carter somewhere, I told Preston to wait for me for just a second so I could bring Ashton back--I didn't want him off somewhere alone, getting into trouble. I literally took five steps into the hallway and I heard a cute little song from behind me: "I'm DWA-ing on da WA-all!" Oh boy. I brought Ashton back to find Preston drawing all over the wall, and singing happily about it. It was actually quite funny, but I couldn't let him know it. And when I made him try to clean it off, he whined like a teenager, "But I can't! I don't know how!" Too too funny.

Adverture #2: the park. Obviously we weren't having any success inside the house. (See adventure #1.) So we took the kids to the park, and finally they were all happy! It might have had something to do with the fact that two of the three were pinned in strollers, but it was much better. It's so cute to see Ashton and Carter finally interact now. I'm glad they are friends. I always wanted to be friends with my cousins, but I was never around enough or too shy or something. So I'm glad to see them so happy together already.
Yeah, I just love how I get the camera out and Ashton closes his eyes and sticks his tongue out...Carter is just sitting and smiling so cute. I didn't get one of Preston because he was to busy going up and down the slides. It was a fun day, but holy goodness, I cannot understand how anyone can handle more than one kid! I was so tired after just a few hours! Alycia, you are now my hero...


Alycia said...

That day he colored on the wall was just the start of worse things to come... Preston has now colored on several things including the bed, walls, and carpet of his bedroom. I still haven't been able to get it out of the carpet. :(

Two kids are hard sometimes, but sometimes it's easier to have them both because they entertain each other. Plus it helps that Preston started getting himself dressed and helping cook dinner. I'll be glad when thy can both start helping more... and when Preston stops being naughty. ;) You're MY hero for watching my boys!

Raree (RAH-ree) said...

It's a mercy that in general the kids come one at a time. Since that's the case, you've got a little time to get the hang of it. :D