Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!!!

Ashton's Grandma Hinton was sweet enough to buy him his first ever Halloween costume, so this year he was a jack-o-lantern! He was too cute, if I do say so myself. The sad thing is I tried and tried to get a good picture of him, but he was not cooperating. At first he was just annoyed.

So then, I thought if I put some pumpkins by him, he'd be happier and smile. But that backfired, because all he wanted to do was eat them!

Oh well! We had a very fun Halloween weekend. The night before, Tyler and I went to two spooky one-act plays, so Ashton got to go to Grandma Hinton's trunk-or-treat party at church. And the next night we went back to Grandma's house for soup in pumpkin bread bowls and spooky Halloween movies. It was great! And luckily Grandma got some better pictures than I did, so hopefully we'll get them from her. Hope everyone else had a great weekend too!

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