Monday, September 21, 2009

Our good little sleeper...

Well, up until a couple of weeks ago, we could not get Ashton to sleep anywhere at night except in his car seat...unless we put him in our bed and held him, which tended to make sleeping quite difficult. Our theory was that the gas in his tummy hurt him worse when he laid flat, but when he would sleep sitting up (sort of) in his car seat, it wouldn't hurt as much. But anyway...a couple of weeks ago I noticed that he would fall asleep at random times (in the middle of playing on the floor or changing his diaper), even though he was flat. Here's one time I changed his diaper, and before I was even done, he was out cold:

We decided we were going to try to put him to sleep in his pack-n-play bassinet again. The first night he did it, he kept waking up every couple of hours, but we'd just put him back down in it, and he'd go back to sleep. After that night, though, he sleeps in his bassinet with no problem, and he hasn't gone back to the car seat since! Hooray!

I'm a paranoid mother, so his bassinet was still in our room. However, he wasn't sleeping through the whole night, and I finally thought that maybe it was due to the thrashings and snoring of a certain man in the room. (At first I thought that he would just wake up because he was hungry, because the sounds never seemed to bother him before.) So, even though I'm paranoid, we decided to move his bassinet into his own bedroom. And a miracle happened! He slept the whole night through! He went to bed at 10pm and didn't make a peep until 8am! And the greatest thing of all is that he's done it every night since then. I'm knocking on wood and praying like crazy that it sticks and stays a permanent habit, because it is beautiful. WAY TO GO, BABY BOY!!!

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