Friday, September 4, 2009

Bottle Baby

I didn't ever think I'd have a bottle baby. But Ashton did not catch on quickly to nursing, and even when he did, he still liked the bottle better. He also was really gassy all the time, and it made him cry a lot. Eventually he stopped nursing altogether and would only take a bottle, so we tried this formula made for sensitive tummies. He hardly has any gas at all now, and he's much happier for it...maybe he knew he should be bottle fed the whole time! :) Ashton eats his bottles funny, though. When he's really hungry, he'll chug it down, but most of the time, he likes to close his eyes and eat it slowly, like this:

Now, don't even think for a minute that he's asleep, because if you do, and you take the bottle out, beware! You will feel his wrath! Sometimes he does fall asleep in the middle, but most of the time, he'll just drink it down and be wide awake again when it's time to burp. Strange kid... And, the other funny thing he does is he likes to put his hands behind his if he wasn't trying to get comfy enough already! Oh well, whatever works!

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