Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Bad Mommy

I think I've unintentionally stunted my child's development! When he was first born he was so cranky and gassy, and he cried all the time. People suggested that I lay him on his tummy, but he HATED it, and I just didn't want him to cry any more than he already did, so I never put him on his tummy. Well, now he's so much better, and I put him on his tummy, but since he hasn't had the tummy time that he should have at this point, he kind of stinks at holding his head up. He holds it up just great when we sit him up, but on his tummy, he can't do it very well. I didn't know that's why they needed tummy time!!! I just thought it was so their heads didn't get smooshed flat in the back! Poor kid. His mother has ruined him!

So now, we're trying to work on the tummy time/holding-your-head-up thing. It's just so funny, because he can kick super hard with his legs (if he had the head/arm strength at this point, I swear he'd be crawling already!), but that just pushes his poor face into the ground, and he can't figure out why. Toys help him a little bit, but he still face plants into them.

But oh well. At least he is getting better. I think he wants to try and pull himself up, because he'll grab the blanket he's on and pull it towards him and grunt.

He really does try so hard. This isn't a great picture of it, but he does this cute little pout thing with his lips when he's concentrating hard. He almost always does it when he's on his tummy.

Well, hopefully someday he'll build those neck and back and arm muscles that I've deprived him of. I'm sure as soon as he does, he'll be rolling and crawling all over the place...oh boy, that will be crazy!

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