Thursday, June 16, 2011

Two Years Old!!!

I can hardly believe it's "baby" is two! How is this possible??? The big day came and Ashton was excited. I don't think he quite understood why a birthday is cool, but he knew we were going to Grandma Becky's house, that there would be cake, and that the presents on the counter were for him. That was enough to make the day cool to him!

I dropped Ashton off in the afternoon so that I could go to my Week 29 doctor appointment. (Baby Boy kicked the heart-beat doppler thing--it was funny.) When I got back, Ashton had already opened a present from Bryant, because he needed to leave for Youth Conference. It was a little soft baseball and a glove with velcro on it. So cute! He was very excited to show it to me and asked to go outside to play with it. No problem, just let me get my camera...

He still didn't really know how to play catch with it yet, so it ended up being more of a "run around the yard" time than anything...

Here's the cute Sesame Street cake he had for this birthday. Grandma even got him his own little Elmo cupcake.

While I was taking pictures of the cake, Ashton climbed up on the table and started ripping into his presents!

So we decided to take them all to the floor and begin the opening of the gifts. By this time all of the light was pretty much gone so I had to use my flash. I don't know anything about flash photography, so it pretty much reduces my beautiful camera to a point-and-shoot. Grrr.

Sesame Street felt board...

Elmo dishes (and an Elmo DVD in the bottom corner)...

Elmo pajamas...

Sesame Street board books...

Did you notice the Elmo/Sesame Street theme? Ha ha. Pretty much the only non-Elmo present he got was a toy farm with animals. He calls them his "Farmer Dell Guys" (like the Farmer in the Dell). Too funny.

Once they were all open he wanted to immediately play with/wear everything!

And then it was time to light the candles on the cake.

Singing "Happy Birthday" to himself.

Blowing out the candles.

And enjoying the feast.

And of course, you can't have cake without ice cream!

We love that messy face.

Happy Birthday, Ashton!!!

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