Sunday, June 5, 2011


A new obsession for Ashton is letters. He has a set of mini books--one for each letter--that he likes to read, and he has some foamy letters that he plays with in the bathtub. Combine that with his love for Sesame Street and the "letter shows" on the computer (see if you're interested), and he has started to learn what all of the letters are. He doesn't have the entire alphabet down yet, but he does have about half of it, and it seems like he's learning more every day. He asks to "read letters" on our shirts or in our books and magazines, and he is so proud to tell you what they are. It's freaking me out that he can do this and he's only turning two in a couple of weeks. I don't know how I feel about having children that are smarter than me...

Again with the bucket on the head. And the dancing. Always dancing.

Here's a little sample of Ashton "reading letters." And yes, I realize that my repeating everything he says is quite annoying and probably unnecessary, but it's just one of those Mommy habits I've gotten into and can't quite stop. I apologize.

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