Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Snow Storm

It snowed A LOT in the middle of the night, just four days before Christmas! When Ashton and I came downstairs we found a whole foot of snow piled on the back steps.

And that was on the side of the house that didn't have the wind blowing on it! Out in our driveway so much snow was blown in that we had two and half feet! Poor Tyler used every ounce of his strength to carve a path for his car through half of it, and then he gave up on getting any further.

Alas, all that snow still didn't stop Ashton from ripping his clothes off, as he always does. I don't think he does it as much because he wants to be naked; I just think he does it because he likes to take off the clothes and then try to put them back on again. Unfortunately he isn't so good at getting the pants back on, which is why you may have noticed that he hasn't had pants on for the last several posts. Oh well, what can I do? This morning he was trying so hard to put his clothes back on, but he must have given up, because he came running into the kitchen like this:

Pants on the head, one arm still inside the shirt--getting closer, but still not there yet, buddy! (At least the shirt is facing the right way...)

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