Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Happy Birthday to Me!

Yes I am now 27! Though the thought makes me feel pretty old, I am not ashamed to admit my age. :) My birthday was excellent this year for many reasons, the first of which was that Tyler surprised me and stayed home from work! I thought he slept through his alarm so I woke him up and asked him what happened. But really he took the day off! Yay!!! And because he stayed home, he helped me clean up the house and get ready for dinner, which I would have otherwise had to do by myself. Double yay!!! That night Tyler's whole family came over and had dinner and cake and opened presents, and it was very fun. Since Tyler spoils me, I got a whole bunch of awesome presents from him and everyone else. The very last present we opened, though, was more like a present for everyone else...

Yes, I am pregnant with baby #2!!! I thought that maybe I was pregnant, so I took the test earlier that day. When it was positive we decided we didn't want to wait to tell, so we wrapped it up like a present and whipped it out for everyone to see. It sort of backfired, though. Carlton and Becky didn't really recognize what it was, so it took a bit of explaining, but once they got it they were all very happy! Too bad we couldn't send it wrapped up to my parents...that would be pretty gross. We just called and told them.

This was most definitely a very happy birthday for me!!!


Raree (RAH-ree) said...

Congratulations! That's exciting! Hope you're feeling pretty well. :)

Mary said...

Congratulations and happy birthday! What a wonderful day to find out you're expecting.