Monday, September 20, 2010

15 Month-Old Check-Up

Well, Ashton's 15 month-old check-up came, and with it an irrational fear of doctors. Up until now he has always been so brave. He never seemed to care what they were doing to him. I thought it would still be that way at first. We waited in the room and he sat on the table so nicely, showing me his ears and eyes and toes. And his head...

...and his tongue...

but then the nurse came in and he had a giant melt-down. Now, for whatever reason, the mere presence of a nurse or doctor sends him into screaming fits. It came totally out of nowhere! Like he went from one extreme to the other in an instant. Oh well. From now on there probably won't be anymore cute doctor's office pictures of him, since I'll be too busy keeping him from running out the door...

15 Month Stats:

Height-- 31.25 inches (56th percentile)
Weight-- 20.5 pounds (5th percentile)

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