Saturday, July 9, 2011

Art 101

Ashton loves to draw, and he loves to ask us to draw things for him. He is constantly asking for "pretty pictures." Today Ashton asked if I would draw Bert and Ernie and Elmo. I told him to draw them first, because I was right in the middle of something, and this is what he drew:

Might not look like much at first, but I thought this was amazing! I started watching him while he drew, and he made a big circle for the head, a scribble on the top for the hair, and a scribble in the middle for the face. To me that is pretty good for a kid who's barely two! Oh, and I asked him who the big one was, and he looked at me like I was a big dummy and said, "Mommy, that's Big Bird!" Duh. How could I not tell...

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