Friday, March 11, 2011

Big Helper Boy

Ashton is becoming such a good helper! He is always asking to help or to just do something himself. I seriously hope this lasts and isn't just a phase, because it is excellent. Here are a few of the things he is good at helping with:

Babysitting: One day we watched a little boy named Gavin, who is about Ashton's age. He had never been to our house before, so when his mommy left, he was VERY upset about it. After a while he didn't want me to hold him anymore, and he just laid on the floor in despair and whimpered. Ashton was so worried about him. He went and laid by Gavin and put his arm around him and said, "Otay Gabin," until Gavin fell asleep. It was SOOO cute. I was very proud.

Cleaning up after dinner: Ashton loves to put his plate in the sink and push his chair up to wash his hands. He would stay there all night playing in the sink if we let him.

Putting things away: He is very good at putting things away when I ask him to. And if he sees us putting something away, he usually wants to help. At our Pinewood Derby the other night, he saw all the men putting away chairs and wanted to help.

He's also very good at picking up his toys (when I tell him to), putting dirty clothes in the hamper, helping with laundry, and emptying the dishwasher. Hooray! Here's hoping he is always so cheerful and willing to help around the house... (I get the feeling I should cherish it while it lasts!)

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