Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Mommy's New Toy

Remember when I said I got everything I could have wanted for Christmas and more? Well, one of the things I was referencing was my new camera lens! It's a 50mm f/1.8, which I have wanted for quite some time, but haven't been able to justify the expense. Lucky for me, Alycia got a new one and was willing to let Tyler buy her old one for me! And I didn't even know. Yay!

Unfortunately, its seems that baby #2 is trying to slowly finish me off, because I have been SOOOO much more sick and nauseous and awful than I ever was when I was pregnant with Ashton. Some days it's all I can do to change Ashton's diapers and give him food and water. Poor kid, I hope he doesn't feel too neglected. So that would be why I've not only been very behind in blogging, but also why I haven't taken too many pictures with the new lens. I have done a few, though.

Yay! I love my new lens! I can't wait until the morning (bah! try all day!) sickness wears off so I can stage a few photo shoots. Woohoo!!!

1 comment:

Alycia said...

The lighting in the last one is pretty. ;)