Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

The Halloween festivities were much more fun this year, since Ashton actually knows what candy is now. We decided to all dress as Harry Potter characters. Tyler was Harry, I was Hermione, and Ashton was Dobby the House Elf. Ever since he was born, we've thought that Ashton looks a little Dobby-ish because of his bald head and (sort of) big ears. And this year he made the cutest Dobby ever.

On the Friday before Halloween we went to Tyler's office for their trick-or-treat party. The girls in his office all ooh-ed and ah-ed at Ashton's cuteness and made him feel very special. He was shy for a while, but then he warmed up to them--especially once they started handing him treats!

Once that was over we drove to Grandma Becky's house to go to their ward's Trunk-or-Treat. By then, Ashton was having lots of fun.

We went from car to car, and it was so cute to watch Ashton reach in the candy bowls and pick a treat. There was one person, though, who was handing out treats in a big gorilla suit, and Ashton wanted nothing to do with him! Much too scary. Other than that, none of the costumes scared him. He wanted to hold his jack-o-lantern bucket the whole time, but eventually it got too heavy and it went crashing to the ground. The kid made out like a bandit! (Although, let's be honest...Tyler and I will eat most of it.)

Once we'd stopped at every car, we headed back to Grandma's house for our Halloween tradition of soup in pumpkin-shaped bread bowls. (One of the best parts of Halloween, I say.) But since Ashton doesn't eat soup, he just played in his costume and had a grand old time.

And here's the whole family.

For the rest of Halloween weekend, we stayed bundled up inside. We passed out candy on Saturday and Sunday, because some people in Utah don't like to go when Halloween is on a Sunday. It was really cold and windy and rainy, though, so there weren't many people. Good thing we went out on Friday when it was still nice! Happy Halloween, everybody!

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