Thursday, May 5, 2011

Photography Class! Part 2: On-Location

Well, photography class is over. It was excellent, I feel like I really learned a lot about lighting. It's only a drop in the bucket of all there is to know, I'm sure...but it's a whole lot more than the nothing I knew before! The last day of class was the one I was most excited for. We were supposed to go out to various locations in the area and have lots of models and lots of time to take pictures of them. Well, that only sort of happened. None of the models showed up that day, so we had nobody to take pictures of! So, we just went out as a group to the locations and took pictures of each other. This was problematic for many reasons. Most of us weren't prepared to be photographed. We weren't wearing nice clothes or makeup or fancy hair or anything. Plus everybody wanted to be the one taking the pictures; nobody wanted to be in them. Everybody (myself included, I'm sure), felt so self-conscious that they wouldn't stand for very long or ever relax. By the time I took a few pictures to check my settings they would run away and it would take me forever to convince someone else to pose for me. Needless to say the on-location shoot was not what I'd hoped for. But oh well. Eventually I stopped waiting on everyone else and just wandered around photographing the beautiful location. I can't believe I live in such a gorgeous place! Hope you enjoy the results...

I always wondered why people said they would never eat a fish from Utah Lake... now I see why!

Yes, that's a real snake. I almost stepped on it! Gross. After that I decided I was done... :)

1 comment:

Kris10 said...

I hope we get to see some of the pictures of you!!